
Everything you need to know about bubble.io:


Bubble.io is a no-code app development platform designed to make app development easier and accessible to everyone without getting into the chaos of programming. There are different no-code tools available that are far better, quicker, and more affordable for web app development, but Bubble.io is one of the most diverse and customizable. Most no-code tools focus on specific use cases (e.g., Shopify for e-commerce) or parts of the tech stack (e.g., Airtable for databases). But when it comes to building special and more interactive software, the Bubble.io platform is the closest alternative to custom code.

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This blog will serve as a comprehensive guide to Bubble.io, offering readers a one-stop resource to master the platform’s features, design, and development capabilities. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, we aim to provide valuable insights and tips to help you harness the full potential of Bubble.io.

Getting Started with Bubble.io:

Building an app using Bubble.io is a process that involves a few steps.

  • The first step is to create an account on bubble.io, which will give you access to the platform’s tools and resources.
  • Once you have an account, you can begin to design and build your app using the platform’s drag-and-drop interface.
  • One of the key features of bubble.io is that it allows you to create a working prototype of your app without writing any code. You can use the platform’s visual editor to add different elements to your app, such as text, images, and buttons. You can also use the editor to define the behavior of your app, such as how it will respond to user input.
  • When you are happy with your app’s design and functionality, you can test it by previewing it in a web browser.
  • Once you have thoroughly tested your app, you can publish it on the web, making it accessible to users.

There are also many resources available online to help you learn more about building an app using bubble.io, such as tutorials, forums, and user groups. We recommend starting by reading through the bubble.io documentation, which is a great resource for learning how to use the platform.

The benefits of No-Code

SPEED: The main benefit of No-Code is the speed to deployment. No-Code allows for quick development and with the use of add-ons and templates a working Minimum Viable Product (MVP) can be developed in just a couple of weeks. By building quickly businesses can shorten their product feedback loop considerably. Start-ups looking for their first customers can build a testable product, capture feedback and tweak their product much more quickly. With Bubble, you can test business ideas in weeks rather than months, learn from the tests and iterate at speed.

CONTROL: Using No-Code products allows business and entrepreneurs to have control over their app. Compared to a product that is developed from code, minor changes can be done quickly in No-Code products like Bubble. It’s easy-to-navigate interface allows for quick colour, content, and design changes, instead of having to hire a developer to make changes to the code. 

COSTS: Since No-Code doesn’t require extensive programming time and has easy to use building blocks, it reduces the cost to build applications. Updates and tweaks are also made quickly and cheaply, normally only requiring a few clicks. Building in No-Code ranges in cost from free if you do it yourself to about £3,000 for a basic MVP or £10,000 for a full app if you pay an agency. This is in comparison to custom developing an app from scratch which generally costs up to £50,000 with traditional agencies.

These key benefits are critical for start-ups and companies that want to move fast. The relative cost and agility of No-Code helps with bringing something new to market, and being able to make continuous changes helps keep it growing and relevant. Bubble ticks all of these boxes. You can create a simple MVP in 2-3 weeks, launch it and see if it works or not. Then make any changes quickly and go again.

How to sign up and access Bubble.io.:

To sign up and access Bubble.io, follow these steps:

1. Visit the Bubble.io website:

Open your web browser and go to the official Bubble.io website at https://bubble.io/

2. Click “Get Started for Free”:

On the homepage, you’ll typically find a prominent “Get Started for Free” or a similar call-to-action button. Click on it to initiate the sign-up process.

3. Create Your Account:

You will be directed to a sign-up page. Fill in the required information, which usually includes your name, email address, and password for your Bubble.io account. Make sure to use a strong and unique password.

4. Verify Your Email:

After filling out the form, Bubble.io will send a verification email to the address you provided. Go to your email inbox, find the email from Bubble.io, and click on the verification link to confirm your email.

5. Set Up Your Workspace:

Once your email is verified, you’ll be prompted to set up your workspace. This typically involves choosing a subdomain (e.g., your name. bubble apps.io) for your projects and setting a name for your workspace.

6. Explore the Dashboard:

After configuring your workspace, you’ll be taken to the Bubble.io dashboard. Here, you can start creating, designing, and managing web applications using Bubble.io’s visual development tools.

You’re now all set to begin building your web applications. Bubble.io provides an innate drag-and-drop interface to create web pages, workflows, and database structures. Explore the available resources, including tutorials, documentation, and the Bubble.io community, to enhance your skills and get support as you work on your projects.

Bubble.io Plans and Pricing:

Here’s a list of the available plans and who they’re best suited for.

  1. Free plan –

 As a beginner, you can avail free plans on Bubble to explore to see if it’s the right app for you. With the free plan, you can create a prototype of your app, and when you think that you’re ready to commit, you can easily switch to one of the paid plans.

  1. Starter plan

If you are looking for something simple that is easy to function and caters to a small-to-medium user base, this plan is for you. you can create a custom domain, along with other benefits it only allows for one app editor. The Bubble cost for this plan is $32/month or $348/year.

  1. Growth plan

This plan works for the people working on consumer projects with complex functionality. It allows for two app editors, two-factor authentication, 14 days of server logs, and offers other benefits. The cost for this plan is $134/month or $1,428/year.

  1. Team –

 If you want to scale your team and your app has or is expecting high usage, then the team plan is probably your best option. This plan allows for five app editors, 20 days of server logs, 1 TB of storage, and several other benefits. The cost for this plan is $399/month or $4,188/year.

  1. Custom –

This is so far the best plan on Bubble. This plan is meant for enterprise projects that require enterprise-level security for sensitive data. Along with the benefits of all the other plans, with this plan, you get to choose your hosting region, host multiple apps in one place, and have a static IP address, among other benefits. To subscribe to this plan, you need to contact the Bubble group to get a quote.

What makes Bubble’s visual programming platform different from other no-code tools?

Unlike other no-code web creation platforms like Webflow, which emphasize front-end design for static websites, Bubble.io is unique in this regard. It is flexible and can be used to create the backend logic required for more intricate, customized apps of any kind. Because of the way, its visual programming language behaves like a conventional programming language, Bubble:

  • Fully customizable:

It has a fully responsive and pixel-perfect design that allows users to build and accomplish any UI/UX. Each process step, each search criteria, and each database field in an application can be specified by builders.

  • Full-stack:

Bubble is a full-stack programming platform for code-free design, development, and hosting.

  • Responsive web:

Bubble’s responsive editor allows you to create web app layouts that fit any modern browser or device.

  • Extensible:

Bubble’s adaptable API connector tool and plugin ecosystem make it simple to connect to any third-party service or API and utilize custom code to increase its functionality.

  • Scalable:

Built on AWS, Bubble.io continuously monitors and enhances its platform in the background. This entails a 99.9% uptime guarantee, clickable scaling of virtual computing capacity, and a plethora of security precautions.

What is the Bubble Ecosystem?

One of the benefits of Bubble is the large community built around it including a Marketplace where you can buy themes and templates for your app. You can, for example, purchase a template that is similar to Airbnb then customise it for your own application for, let’s say, musicians if you so wish.

Bubble has an extensive range of plug-ins which allow you to quickly integrate with things that Bubble doesn’t natively have. So for example if you don’t like the standard notifications that Bubble gives you, you can access more options through a number of plug-ins on the Bubble store.

Templates, plug-ins, and support from other developers means that you can test your idea out with a workable app in no time.

What makes Bubble’s visual programming platform different from other no-code tools?

Bubble.io is different from other no-code web development tools like Webflow, which focus on front-end design for static websites. It is open-ended and can build the backend-logic needed for more complex, custom apps of any type. It’s visual programming language acts like a traditional programming language, making Bubble:

  • Fully customizable: the Bubble platform supports fully responsive and pixel-perfect design, allowing builders to accomplish any UI/UX. Builders can define each workflow step, each search parameter, and each database field in their application.
  • Full-stack: Bubble is a full-stack programming platform for code-free design, development, and hosting.
  • Responsive web: Bubble’s responsive editor allows you to create web app layouts that fit any modern browser or device.
  • Extensible: Bubble’s plugin ecosystem and flexible API connector tool make it easy to connect to any third-party service or API, or use custom code, to extend its capabilities.
  • Scalable: Bubble.io is built on AWS and is constantly monitoring and improving its platform behind the scenes. This means 99.9% uptime, the ability to scale virtual computing power with a click, and dozens of security measures.

Types of apps you can build with bubble:

Here are some commonly developed apps using bubble:

  • Custom marketplace
  • Social network
  • Booking app
  • Personal Finance tools
  • Community and Review sites
  • Internal Management tools
  • Food delivery service
  • Job Boards etc

Best Bubble tutorials:

You can learn Bubble.io for free using the following resources:

How hard is it to learn Bubble.io?

Learning Bubble.io is surprisingly accessible, especially when compared to traditional web development. The platform is designed with simplicity and user-friendliness in mind, making it an excellent choice for those new to web development. The drag-and-drop interface, pre-made templates, and visual elements significantly reduce the complexity typically associated with building web applications.

However, like any new tool, there is a learning curve. The challenge lies not in understanding complex coding, but in mastering the logic and structure of how Bubble.io works. Grasping concepts like workflows, database management, and API integrations takes time and practice. Fortunately, Bubble.io is supported by a wealth of resources – from comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and community forums, to online courses and webinars. These resources make the learning journey smoother, enabling you to progressively build your skills and confidence. We also offer Bubble books that teach you how to build high-performing and secure Bubble apps, that have sold thousands of copies.

The key is to start with small, manageable projects and gradually increase complexity as you become more familiar with the platform. Patience and practice are essential; the more you experiment and build, the more intuitive and rewarding the process becomes.


In conclusion, Bubble.io reigns as the biggest and most well-liked solution in this increasing no-code development ecosystem, serving as the ChatGPT of no-code platforms. Bubble.io is ready to increase its standing as the no-code trend maintains its explosive expansion.

Although there may be a learning curve, Bubble.io gives users of all skill levels the ability to create complex and effective web apps. For those who do not have the coding skills of seasoned engineers, this is extremely helpful. Bubble.io guarantees strong support, direction, and education for everyone with its thriving marketplace and extensive academy.

Bubble.io is undoubtedly worth investigating, regardless of whether you’re an experienced developer looking for an easy-to-use no-code platform or a novice entering the world of programming. It opens doors for a diverse range of innovators and creators, increasing everyone’s access to and interest in web app development.

Mobeen Ali

Mobeen brings 8+ years of Growth-Focused and Result Oriented Digital Marketing & Sales experience from 4 different industries of Innovation.

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